🖤This Is You My Jose 🖤 🙏😢

This is our Jose aka el Cañon, the one who would do anything to bring out a smile, happiness, joy and love out of each and every individual that crossed his path. There is no limit that he would not go to in order to make a positive impact in our lives. This is our Jose, a non judgmental, compassionate, most awesome, intelligent, go getter, hustler, free spirited, kind hearted, handsome, warrior, protector, Guardian, best of friends but most of all he is our SoulBrother. The best accomplishment in his life was to be called daddy by his 2 gorgeous daughters Suhey and Cataleya aka la Guera. May his spirit rest in the arms of Jesus Christ, Our Heavenly Father and may he be at peace. I miss you brother, I need you brother, I love you my dear brother. – MJ Lupian

New Chapter has Begun…

As a new chapter in my life has begun since my tragic lost, I have come to grips that things never go the way we plan, for our Universe and our Heavenly Father has and will forever have the last word.
I have mentally prepared myself to get over the shadow that has been haunting me since my SoulBrothers passing…
It’s an indescribable feeling that has no right answer…
The seed that was in it’s darkest most profound loneliness moments has once again regained it’s will power, hustle, fierceness and motivation to overcome any obstacle that it shall confront, it will flourish and gloom beneath the darkens of times. I believe in my my Heavenly Father, In the Holy Spirit and in my Universe that all that happens is because there is a better plan/life for each and everyone of us.
With this said, In A Moment of Reflection, I have committed myself to be a better version of those whom I idolize. – MJ Lupian

Año Nuevo

Gracias mi Dios por sostenerme en este año lleno de cambios en mi vida personal y espiritual, en ti pongo mis proyectos y cualquier decision que tome quiero que tu estes al frente. Gracias por ser mi Padre Celestial el Rey de Reyes el Señor de Señores si estas con migo quien contra mi. Te Amo Gracias por otro Año mas de vida en este Hermoso Universo! 🙏🏻
– MJ Lupian 🌹 Feliz Año a Todos!


En tus manos pongo mi vida, mi saludy al igual la de mi familia y mi negocio, Amen.

Diseña un Plan Maravilloso Para tú Vida

A Moment of Reflection.

Cuando sientas soledad, fracaso, desilucion y tristesa en tu corazon recuerda que Sí, hay un Dios, nuestro Padre Celestial que con tan solo tu Fé ara grandes maravillas…
Que es mas grande y poderoso tu problema o nuestro Ser Superior?
Si Nuestro Dios es mas poderoso, no temas…
Pero si piensas que tu problema es mas grande que Dios… Entonces evalua te a ti mismo y deja entrar al Espiritu Santo para que ilumine tu ser y tu Fé, y miraras las grandes maravillas y recibiras sus misteriosos regalos.

– MJ Lupian 

Testament of Life

It’s said that those who are going through uncontrollable difficult moments are the ones who closer to our Lords heart are for we are connected by the pain and suffering that his beloved son once had and are reminded that we are a living testament of what a true offering is. Do not ponder in grief but rather offer every feeling of pain in his name for in the eyes of our higher power that is worth more than any dollar anyone may give.


MAY Our universe CONTINUE TO BLESS US ALL  and iN this moment of reflection i pray for each and every one of us to receive Unimaginable blessings. 


A Moment of Reflection 2016

My mind is blank, but the sound of the beautiful rain drops makes my inner self reevaluate every stage of my life, a life of which I’m grateful to have in a world of uncertainty.
A place where we not know what will happen the day of tomorrow but in hopes that we have an opportunity to complete what tasks we have already scheduled…
Praying that we are able to open our eyes to see, hear, feel, touch, enjoy and love our most precious and valuable people. As we find the motivation to continue hustling to provide a better tomorrow for those whom God has placed under our wing.
The load brought upon myself is heavy at times, over exhausting but I choose this then to live in misery for the strength which I hold with in is another proof that God is within, by my side and in front of every battle I have to conquer.
There is a purpose!
It’s not an expression of discontent but what is perceptible to the eyes of us humans.
I stare so deep in the dark skies trying to see the Eye of my beloved Universe and have opened my heart to hear the sound of my Creators voice say,
“Live as if tomorrow will not exist! Every beat of your heart is the promise I’ve made to you!”
Be fierce! Don’t give up! Your mission is still in process! Have Faith! Believe! But most of all enjoy the ride for this journey will be the best you’ve ever experience!
In A Moment of Reflection I share what is placed in my soul for us to continue our walk in this beautiful world.
Much love, blessings and motivation to whom is seeking for a life of peace and happiness.
– MJ Lupian {amorbyMJL.wordpress.com}image

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Opiniones son Respetadas…

Opiniones de cada persona no deben ser temas de disputas oh de enojos si no de las cuales aprendamos algo nuevo. Y si nos ayuda en nuestra vida personal aplicarlas y las que no pues ignorarlas. Eh aprendido atraves de mi hornada en este hermoso mundo que no todo lo que a nosotros nos ayuda a ser mejores seres humanos es presisamente lo que a otros les ayudara. No eh que mal interpretar las opiniones de nadien mas sin antes saber o haber caminado tan siquiera 10 pasos en sus zapatos. Respetar y el empujarnos para mejorar es el enfoque que a muchos se nos olvidan por nuestros propios modos de pensar.
#Empowerment within is to be able to spread it to the world keeping in mind that it will be for a better, peaceful future.
– MJ Lupian


Aprendizaje Ejemplar.

Hay cosas que se aprenden y jamas se olvidan….
El dia de hoy fue uno de esos dias que los recuerdos del ayer se me hizo presente presisamente en este dia…
Aun que sabia que este momento llegaria no me imagine que fuera presisamente hoy…
En el momento menos esperado, el lugar menos deceado, y alrededor de tantos no codiciados me atraviezo con las mismas piedras que un dia quisieron tropezarme y desgraciar me la vida…
Y la conclusion de su gran esfuerzo fue el empujarme a salir adelante con la frente muy en alto, con proyecto nuevos y mas deslumbrantes, elevando mi auto estima, mi auto poder para descubrir el semejante e inimaginable fuerza interna que hace rugir la sangre que corre por mis venas… Para llenarme de sabiduria y ser una Guerrera para nuestra humanidad.
Gracias por haber sido un aprendizaje ejemplar. Por esto y mucho mas eh descubrido la verdadera Paz interna.
Con mucho agradesimiento les deceo honestamente a esos obstaculos mucho amor, prosperidad y paz interna.
El perdonar es empezar. Y yo perdone el dia que te olvide.
– MJ Lupian
#Forgive #Gracias #HermososMomentos  #ComoTodaUnaReyna #Peace #Happiness #Live #Love & #FLYHigh
